An Overview of Self-Adjustment in Students of the Faculty of Psychology Who Are Activelyinvolved in Student Organizations

  • Oppie Lilly Octavira H Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
  • Awang Wicaksono Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik


Self-adjustment is  the process of the results of a group or individual facing a new situation in the environment and whose behavior can be accepted in living together with the surrounding community.  The purpose of this study is to find out how the design picture of diri Students of the Faculty of Psychology who are actively involved in student organizations. This research usesqualitative  research, a research method that has the aim of promoting an understanding of human experience, interaction, and behavior patterns.  The technique used in this study  is the snowball sampling technique  with a total of five subjects that have characteristics  The qualitative research method used is phenomenology which has the characteristics of students aged 20-22 years, active students, experiencing insufficient self-adjustment. Data collection techniques were carried out with semi-structured interviews and direct observation. Data analysis techniques used in this study, namely data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The data credibility used in this study is a data credibility test with a type of source triangulation testing and engineering traingulation.


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Jan 10, 2023
How to Cite
OCTAVIRA H, Oppie Lilly; WICAKSONO, Awang. An Overview of Self-Adjustment in Students of the Faculty of Psychology Who Are Activelyinvolved in Student Organizations. Journal Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik Engineering, Social Science, and Health International Conference (UMGESHIC), [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 88-94, jan. 2023. ISSN 2797-1058. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 30 mar. 2025. doi: