The Effect Of Oven Time On Physical Characteristics Of Cookies From Composite Flour (Rice Bran,Mocaf,Corn)

  • Syarifah Nur Asiyah University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Elsa Anugerah Pertiwi University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Ratri Ariatmi Nugrahani University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Nurul Hidayati Fithriyah University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Nelfiyanti Nelfiyanti University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Athiek Sri Redjeki University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Athiek Sri Redjeki University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta


Cookies are one of nutritious food preparations made from wheat flour. As the need for wheat flour increases, alternative flour substitutes for wheat flour are needed, for example composite flour such as rice bran,mocaf,corn. The use of composite flour in manufacture of cookies can improve nutritional value of product. This research aims to make cookies products with composite flour substitution, to know the physical characteristics of the spread factors, and to know the proximate levels. The research method is in two stages: the first stage is making of cookies with all-in method with variations in time of oven 10,13,15,17, 20 minutes on the physical analysis of spread factors. While the second stage is the proximate test (protein,fat,carbohydrate,moisture content,ash content) from the best oven time. The results showed that the spread factor was strongly influenced by the oven time. The best spread factor of 40.44 resulted in a more nutritious and healthier product at 20 minutes of oven time. Provide information on the utilization of composite flour (rice bran flour- mocaf flour- corn flour), Increase the nutritional content of cookies, Increase the added value of (rice bran, mocaf, and corn).


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Jun 15, 2021
How to Cite
ASIYAH, Syarifah Nur et al. The Effect Of Oven Time On Physical Characteristics Of Cookies From Composite Flour (Rice Bran,Mocaf,Corn). Journal Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik Engineering, Social Science, and Health International Conference (UMGESHIC), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 147-154, june 2021. ISSN 2797-1058. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 dec. 2024. doi: