Guided by: SK DIRJEN DIKTI Kemendiknas National Scientific Journal Accredited by Dikti SK DIRJEN DIKTI Kemendiknas
Title: Not very long (5-14 words BI, 5-12 Bing); no cliches (study of, study of, preliminary research, effect of giving, etc.)
Ownership/credit line: Name without title; name of originating institution; correspondence address and email.
Abstract: There are goals, methods, and results; written 1 paragraph; 200 words long; speak English and Indonesian; If the text is in English, the Indonesian abstract begins with an Indonesian title, and vice versa.
Keywords: There are keywords and are discussed in the text; Maximum 5 keywords
Introduction: Length 15-20% of the total length of the article
Method (Location, materials and methods): 10-15% of the total length of the article
Results (data presentation) and Discussion: Length 40-60% of the total length of the article;
Conclusion: The conclusion is clear; not enumerative
Sponsorship: If there is an institution that finances the research, register the name and number, cooperation.
Reference library/List of References: The method/style of writing used by the journals we manage is absolutely mandatory.