Author Guideline

1. The article must be original of the research report, related to halal, science and technology, and has not been  published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
2. The article is typed in Ms-Word for Windows, double-spaced format in A4 paper size, the font being used is Time New Roman size 12 without a word fragment (hard-hyphenation), the length of the article is between 2000-3000 words
3. The article is written in Indonesian and English in accordance with the applied language rules.
4. The title of the article should be written specifically and effectively, not more than 15 words.
5. Author identity must contain full name without title, affiliation/institution address, and e-mail address of the author. examples:
Bunga Lestari,1 Kswanto,2 Hadi Iswanto 3
1) Fakultas Komunikasi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik, Jl. Tamansari No.1 Jakarta
2,3) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Indonesia, Jl. Rangga No.8 Jawa Tengah
surel: 1 ; 2; 3

The abstract of the article is written in English and Indonesian (bilingual) and contains maximum 200 words, followed by 3 to 5 keywords. The English abstract is written in the present tense.
The article is in the form of research report in the following order. In writing the article, the author must avoid the use of dot points, alphabetical order, or numbering as follows.
1. …
Should be written as follows: (1) ....; (2) ... .; (3) ....
The article is written in essay form, so there is no numeric or alphabetic format that separates between chapters /sections, or to mark the chapter/new part. Tables and pictures/graphics are only placed in the discussion section. Conclusions are not specified in the points, but in the form of paragraphs.

Each citation should mention the latest literature sources from at least last 7 years completely (as much as 50% of references cited) and must be written with running note system, for example:
... hal ini dikemukakan pula oleh Lubis (2015: 60) bahwa ketiga kekuasaan itu harus dibagi sedemikian rupa sehingga terpisah dari yang lainnya.
...”Globalisasi yang mengarah pada homogenisasi” (Hamijoyo, 2015: 31)

Bibliography is compiled with Harvard system that is sorted alphabetically. For example: Muhammad Thaufiq Boesoirie Sidiq (2015).

For each referral source, how to write a bibliography is as follows: Journals:
Boesoirie, M.T.S (2015). An Innovative Performance Measurement Method for Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 8, No.3, pp. 209–223.

Boesoirie, M.T.S. danWiradipradja.E.S. (2015). “Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operations”, Third Edition, New York: Prentice Hall.

Part of the book:
Boesoirie, M.T.S (2015). Managing Innovation in the Information Age, in: Soelaiman, T.M. (Ed.) Seeing Differently: Insight on Innovation, Harvard Business
Review Book, pp.193-202.

conference paper (proceedings):
Boesoirie, M.T.S. dan Wiradipradja.E.S. (2015). Quality System Based on ISO 9000 Combined with QFD Proceedings: World Innovation & Strategy Conference 1998 incorporating 4th International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, 2-5 August, Sydney Australia, p.1-8.

Internet (if there is any), the reference sequentially includes name, article title, and the web site address in brackets as well as access time. Example: Boesoirie, M.T.S (2015). Fenomena Anak Jalanan. ( ui.html+anak+jalanan&hl) diunduh pada 1 Januari 2015.

Tables in the article are sequentially numbered (1, 2, and so on). Each table in the article must contain a brief title in order to describe its correlation to the article. The table title is put above the table and written in bold.

Every illustration in a form of diagram or photo is categorized as pictures and must be sequentially numbered (1, 2, 3, and so on). Each picture contains a brief title explaining its correlation to the article. The title of the picture is put under the diagram or photo and written in italic.

The submitted article must follow the author guidelines.
The articles that have passed the peer review process and been accepted, then, must be translated into English.

The editorial team has an authority to edit the article without changing the substance of the article and the author’s thoughts. The editorial team will not return the articles which are not accepted.