Study of Independence Student’s Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Wiwin Dwi Winarti Junior High School 5 Tulungagung
  • Dian Septi Nur Afifah Bhinneka PGRI University
  • Linda Pebriani Bhinneka PGRI University
  • Ika Mariana Putri Bhinneka PGRI University
  • Imam Sukwatus Suja’i Bhinneka PGRI University


This research aims to describe the perceptions of independence online learning during Covid-19 Pandemic. This research was conducted at Junior High School 5 Tulungagung. Data collection techniques in this research were observation and questionnaire. The main instrument is researcher itself, the supporting instrument are observation notes and questionnaire sheets. The data validity uses in this research is extension of observation. Data analysis based on indicators of learning independence which include self-confidence, discipline, initiative, responsibility, and motivation. The result of this research indicate the self-confidence indicator, 28% students stated that they were always confident, 30% stated often, 20% stated sometimes, 13% stated rarely, and 9% stated never. In discipline indicator, 75% of students stated that they were always discipline, 3% stated sometimes, 1% stated rarely and never. In initiative attitude indicators, 35% students stated that they always had the initiative, 34% stated often, 22% stated sometimes, 3% stated rarely and the remaining 6% stated never. In responsibility attitude indicator, 51% students stated that they always had a responsibility, 25% stated often, 20% stated sometimes, 1% stated rarely and the remaining 3% stated never. In motivation indicators, 91% students stated that they always had a motivation and the remaining 9% stated often.


Mar 29, 2021
How to Cite
WINARTI, Wiwin Dwi et al. Study of Independence Student’s Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik Engineering, Social Science, and Health International Conference (UMGESHIC), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 52-56, mar. 2021. ISSN 2797-1058. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 02 mar. 2025. doi: