Pengaruh Toksisitas Timbal Asetat Pb(CH3COO) Dan Kepadatan Terhadap Perubahan Warna Dan Persentase Anakan Jantan Kutu Air Daphnia sp.

  • Ariestyanto Eka Putera
  • Andi Rahmad Rahim
  • Firma Fika Rahmawati


Pb (CH3COO) was a metal that could accumulated in organisms tissue. Pb contents in organisms
tissue increased by increasing of Pb (CH3COO) concentration in the water and the duration
organisms that live in water pollution by Pb (CH3COO). It is caused organisms did not regulated
by Pb (CH3COO) one that turns in at organisms body. Daphnia sp.are sensitive to the chemical
in the waters ecology and has an important role in the ecology of freshwater as the first of trophic
level in the waters ecology. The objective of this study was to obtain information about effect the
concentration of heavy metals Pb (CH3COO) in differences densities of Daphnia color
changes and percentage of male larvae Daphnia sp. This research design uses factorial cmplete
randoms design. The main parameter in this research is color changing and male larvae on the
Daphnia sp. While supporting parameters in this research is water quality (temperature, pH,
amonia and DO). The result of research indicates that the heavy metal Pb (CH3COO) with
different concentration to the adult female Daphnia sp. showed significantly difference (p<0,05)
of the Daphnia sp. color change, the highest density of Daphnia sp. (400 Daphnias) with heavy
metal concentration 3.16 mg/l.


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Mar 20, 2018
How to Cite
PUTERA, Ariestyanto Eka; RAHMAD RAHIM, Andi; RAHMAWATI, Firma Fika. Pengaruh Toksisitas Timbal Asetat Pb(CH3COO) Dan Kepadatan Terhadap Perubahan Warna Dan Persentase Anakan Jantan Kutu Air Daphnia sp.. Jurnal Perikanan Pantura (JPP), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 68-75, mar. 2018. ISSN 2615-2371. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 mar. 2025. doi: